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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The "Victory Kitchen"

     We Americans eat an average of 200 meals in the SAD food land a year.  The other 895 we cook in our own kitchens.  This is where we can make the biggest difference.  How can we do this you ask?  By setting up the ideal kitchen, Victory Kitchen, by getting rid of all our SAD foods.  The following are 10 revolutionary steps to making yours a Victory Kitchen.

1.  Get rid of every packaged, plastic wrapped, bottled, canned, frozen, jarred, tin foiled, boxed SAD food item in your pantry, freezer, refrigerator, counter or any other place in your kitchen and donate them, dump them and vow to never restock them again.

2.Gather up all cooking, toasting, rotissering,  deep frying, microwaving, barbecuing, crock potting, kitchen utensil designed to render food toxic and get rid of them.

3.  Save all the utensils that can be used for live food uses.

4.  Collect raw food recipe books, food combining guide, 80/10/10 diet book and so on.

5.  Get rid of all your SAD foods cook books.

6.  Invest in a juicer, blender, food processor, large cutting board, a good set of knives, nut grinder, colanders, strainers, sprout jars, tiny sized ice cube trays, nut crackers, melon ball scoop, ice cream scoop, refrigerator storing containers and anything else used to prepare live foods.

7.  Invest in serving materials that will add visual, aesthetic appeal and interest to your meals as well as ease of serving them.  Such as a set of serving knives, tall spoons, straws, special serving dishes, trays, plates and bowls, cloth napkins, tablecloth, candles and other items you like.

8.  Explain to your family that SAD food will neither be served nor allowed in your home any longer.

9.  If your family is not on board 100% you stick to your live food diet and wait for your family to follow suit.

10.  Kindly explain to family and friends who come to visit that your house is a live food home.  This means if they want to bring treats that only live food will be welcome.  Be enthusiastic when you share your new way of life with them, explain that when invited to dinner they will be eating the finest cuisine with the highest health benefits.  You will soon win them over and possibly change their lives for the better.

    Once your kitchen is swept clean......the actual process may take a day and be painful so you might want to invite a friend over for support.  Or you may want to do it alone.  Either way understand you are beginning an adventure of a lifetime.  You have consciously decided to declare your home a health seekers home.  With your Victory Kitchen you are declaring health independence and are fighting the disease industrialist and you are not going to take it anymore.  You are going to live your choice one day at a time on the road less traveled instead of the easier unhealthy way.

     The health hazards of cooking our food are many.  First and foremost cooking our food destroys the oxidizable factors in food.  They can no longer be oxidized in our body rendering them useless as food.  Your health is directly dependent on your body getting a full range of nutrients.  When it doesn't get these nutrients it is always hungry regardless of the calories consumed.  Furthermore the destruction of nutrients results in toxic waste products that poison our system.  Let us examine how food most fit for life become toxic through the "killinary" art.

1.  Some or all vitamins are lost.

2.  Some minerals are rendered unusable.

3.  Proteins are coagulated and deaminized (pertaining to α-amino acids that have undergone the chemical alteration that removes ammonia (NH3) from glutamate.).   

4.  Sugars are carmelized and disorganized.

5.  Fats are disorganized and are rendered carcinogenic.

6.  Some unsaturated fats become saturated.

7.  Enzymes are totally destroyed at 120 degrees F and above.

8.  Starches are rendered less digestible.

     Poor mastication results in decreased saliva and enzyme flow:  food is therefore poorly prepared for digestion.  Natural fiber is broken down, increasing transit time of food through the gastrointestinal tract.   Decreased use of facial muscles results in wrinkles and an appearance of aging beyond one's rightful years.  Carcinogenic charcoal forms during some cooking procedures.  Leukocytosis (is a raised white blood cell count above the normal range in the blood. It is frequently a sign of an inflammatory response) increases upon ingestion of cooked food.  Decreased dental health is noted.  Cooked food is most often highly fragmented, highly chemicalized and is invariably prepared in utensils that give off toxic metal, plastic or paint particles.  Cooked food is most often addicting and promotes overeating as well as obesity.  It is toxic and energy expensive to digest and leads to Toxemia and in the future chronic illness, degenerative disease and leads to an early, miserable, painful and costly death.

     If you have to eat cooked food here are some guidelines to follow.  Try to eat cooked food no more than once a week until you can go to never.  Limit your cooked food to the transition recipes I will give you in the next blog.  Lightly steam vegetables and eat them while still a little crunchy.  Invest in a good quality stainless steel cookware set as studies show food cooked in such cookware is far superior to foods cooked in standard cookware.  If you are an over eater go slowly so you don't binge on SAD foods because you feel deprived.  If you are not an over eater move swiftly into this new way of eating and never look back!  On a side note cooked foods and drinks when eaten very hot damage the mucosal membranes of the mouth and esophagus as well as the lining of the stomach causing irritation.  The body has to form new cells more often to replace the damaged and killed ones from the frequent exposure to excessive heat of cooked foods.

     By now you should know that the root cause of disease is the toxic accumulation of waste in the bloodstream and tissue.  For all the toxins we take into our body from the outside world we continue to be willing to ingest poisons from our foods and beverages.  Excessive consumption of cooked foods leads us down the path of illness, disease and death.   Imagine not a super highway of fast food joints, all you can eats, mom's apple pie, all American hot dogs, or other pleasures of gluttony but of one with no hospitals, no drug stores, no doctors offices, no chemotherapy treatment centers and with the fountain of youth with a path of wholesome fruits, seeds, nuts, vegetables and free of illness.  Personally I prefer the latter.

     Now for the question of Organic, meaning food grown without pesticides, fertilizers, not chemically treated with preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides and defoliants.    The use of these products on our food supply makes it so the body is unable to metabolize and eliminate them.  In many cases they are cumulative and will haunt and impair individuals the rest of their life.  Make it a priority to stop poisoning yourself today.  Seek organically grown food or grow your own.   By eating organic foods uncooked we are relieving the body of the task of having to process and eliminate toxic food.  By eliminating all meat and animal products from our diets we are cutting the toxic residues, chemicals, antibiotics, and other additives added to their feed from our bodies.  Find a local fruit stand, farmers market or co op and make friends with them.  Let them know about your way of eating.  They will love you!   A side note here on the danger of food radiation.  All uncooked foods sold in grocery stores are radiated.  Radiation preserves food with dangerous rays up to 4.5 rads of gamma radiation-10,000 times the dosage lethal to humans!  It results in the destruction of all the food enzymes and vital properties in the foods.

     When transitioning over to the Victory Kitchen way of life here are some things to consider so there will be no obstacles in your way.

1.  Choose fruits and veggies that require little or no chewing.

2.  Blend those fruits and veggies that you can and make smoothies.

3.  Use a food processor to make the foods easier to eat.

4.  Juice when you can.

5.  Grind nuts if needed.

6.  Soak nuts and seeds over night if necessary.

     Start making your own juices.  There is nothing like fresh juice, fruit or veggie, to start your day.  As you get comfortable with juicing you can make great mixes of veggies and fruits.  Start transition foods until you can go cold turkey and live on whole live foods.  Some things to remember are:  you will be able to eat more than you do now on the SAD diet.  Don't fear nuts and seeds but don't let them be more than 5% of your protein intake.  Don't over eat avocados, nuts or seeds if you have a weight problem.   Eat as many properly food combined meals as you can and mono meals of fruit or veggies.  Feel free to omit or substitute items but be sensible and make the proper substitutions.  Select the finest organic foods you can buy.  Remove all inedible parts of the food.  Use only raw nut butters.  Strive for variety, harvest your own food if you can, try sprouting, omit any item that wont sit well with you and most of all enjoy the new bounty about to be laid before you.  Remember progress-if not perfection-on the ideal diet is your aim.  Start by avoiding all the SAD foods immediately.  Limit your cooked foods.  Stick to pure living foods.  And if you fall off the wagon climb back on!  Let perfection be your goal but be satisfied with your progress!  Remember eat well, stay well!

     Join me for my next blog on the year in live foods menus with transition foods and recipes.  I hope you are enjoying this series and I apologize for the delay in getting back to blogging.  I will try harder to stay current with at least one to two blogs a week.  I am wrapping up my classes for my certifications so that I can move on to my BS/Masters and then on to my Doctorate.  I have found my calling and I plan on using it to its fullest.

Yours in health, happiness and freedom,
