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Friday, April 6, 2012

The Ideal Diet: Whole, Raw, Plant!

     This blog and the following 5 will clearly provide you with the information you will need to make the change from the SAD (Standard American Diet) to the Ideal Diet one of whole raw plant foods that will bring you to a new healthy skinny self dis-ease free!  Bare with me as these blogs are longer than normal but I want to impart to you as much information as possible.  I want you to reap the benefits of this information and to see the results that I personally have experienced and now my husband, Michael, is experiencing since he started to abandon the SAD diet.  I hope you have enjoyed the blogs so far and enjoy the rest in the series while I study for my certifications. So lets get into the meat of things metaphorically speaking and start learning about our food, digestion, how to set up a "Victory Kitchen", some menus to help you get started on this new diet, recipes and holiday menus.  All this and more to come in the following blogs.

     So here is the million dollar question everyone asks and wants to know......Will the ideal diet give me everything my body needs?  And the answer is YES!  You will get enough protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals, and everything your body needs and nothing it doesn't need.  What is the criteria that separates the ideal foods from the less than ideal foods?  First the food must be non toxic.  Ideally the foods must be edible in the whole raw natural state.  The foods must have sensory appeal.  The food must be easily digested when eaten alone or properly combined.  The foods must be efficiently digested.  They must have protein adequacy.  They must be adequate in vitamin content.  They must be adequate in mineral salts.  They must supply needs for essential fatty acids.  They must supply our caloric needs.  They must be water sufficient.  Ideal foods are alkaline in  metabolic reaction (7.4 pH).  They are fiber rich.  Does this describe anything you have bought at the store that is processed, packaged and sold to you as food?  I would have to say NO.  Those pretty packages that advertisers seduce you with are nothing more than food like substances with the a fore mentioned criteria stripped out of them and replaced with disease causing chemicals to make the food like substances look better, taste better and last longer.  I don't know about you but I don't want to eat food that will outlast me!

     So lets look at food shall we.  What exactly is a fruit?  Websters Dictionary says:  "A fruit is the reproductive product of a tree or other plant...the edible, succulent product, generally covering and including the seed...or mature ovary."  From this definition nuts and seeds fall into the fruit category as well as many foods we commonly call vegetables such as tomatoes, squash, eggplant, cucumbers, pumpkins and others.  What exactly is a vegetable?  Vegetables are those plant forms that grow as stalks or leaf clusters or flowering plants that do not develop into a succulent portion of edible mesocarp surrounding a seed portion.  Vegetables are classified into 4 main categories:  Fruit bearing vegetables (tomatoes, squashes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant and pumpkin), Green vegetables (including all leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, sprouts and all vegetables from the cruciferous family:  kohlrabi, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli), Tubers, bulbs and roots (are underground vegetables:  carrots, beets, potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, parsnips and so on and also includes the somewhat toxic, non ideal foods such as radishes, onions, garlic, scallions, and leeks), Fungi (not considered ideal foods including mushrooms, algae, and some seaweed varieties)

     Dr. Alan Walker, an anthropologist of Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, reported findings in May 15, 1979 in an issue of the New York Times that up to a point in relatively recent history we were fruitarians/vegetarians.  He states that though we undertook omnivorous practices our anatomy and physiology have not changed:  we remain biologically a species of vegetarians.  A diet of any animal in its natural state is always found to agree with both its anatomical structure and with its physiological functions.  This is where we get our classification system for animals:  carnivores (meat eaters), herbivores (grass eaters), frugivores (fruit eaters), and omnivores (a combination thereof).  So with that said when living organisms live in accord with the physiological laws of their own kind, they do not develop disease.  They live out their life spans with high levels of energy and well being.  We as a culture in America today have traded our natural dietary in on processed food.  The corrupt food supply and our energy robbing lifestyles are doing us in!  It doesn't have to be this way.  Just a note I thought was fascinating:  Humans absorb rather than eliminate uric acid when meat is eaten.  The body reacts to neutralize this poison by drawing upon its alkaline reserves.  In the absence of such reserves, the body draws upon calcium and other base minerals from the bones and teeth.  Osteoporosis and dental cavities result.  Furthermore, calcium urate crystals are formed and as a result of this neutralization.  If the body can't excrete these crystals they are usually deposited throughout the body and lead to arthritis, bursitis, back pain, gout, edema, rheumatism, and hard arteries.  This alone proves we are not equipped to handle flesh.  Also I wanted to make clear is when we eat flesh problems result because our intestine is developed to retain its contents four times longer than that of a carnivore.  In humans the putrefying meat lays in the gastrointestinal tract interminably, giving rise to numerous toxic products all the while.  Uric acid is absorbed through intestinal convolutions and toxic retention follows.  Other poisons are hydrogen sulfide, indols, skatols, purines, xanthins, mercaptans, methane gas and ammonia.  So how is that steak sounding about now?

     I wont go into protein too deep here as I posted a blog on this subject prior to this.  However I will hit upon a few tidbits for those of you that did not get to read that blog yet.  Protein is easy to get enough of and we eat far too much and damage our health because of it.  Most of the hype about protein is from the advertisements of the meat, dairy and egg industry.  They have convinced us that it is so important that a life without meat, dairy and eggs is frightening.  The RDA is 50 grams a day and Americans are consuming around 100 grams a day or more.  Scientist have found that a more realistic amount is 25 grams a day.  Patients with kidney failure, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure have eaten a diet of 20-25 grams of protein and their health improved.  The only way to become protein deficient is to starve or eat exclusively foods that contain no protein (sugars and oils).  All whole foods contain protein.  For example, a banana and a pear have a gram; a stalk of broccoli has six grams; an avocado 4 grams; a carrot has one.  Nuts, seeds and beans are loaded.  a half a cup of almonds has 13 grams, 1/2 cup of beans has 7-8 grams.  So as you can see there is no magic to protein and you will get plenty with this diet.

     I spoke briefly on food combining in a previous blog as well so I will touch upon this subject as well.  Food combining is a term that refers to those combinations of foods which are compatible with each other in digestive chemistry and the goal is to aid in the digestive process.  By doing this we avoid the poisonous byproducts of indigestion and its unpleasant symptoms.  Food for thought is that the amount of energy expended to digest three conventional meals has been estimated to be the equivalent of eight hours of "working" energy!  When your not using that energy for food digestion you have it for other activities.  The fact that two billion dollars a year are spent on antiacids in this country testifies to the need for such information.  The rise in digestive tract disease is increasing at an alarming rate.  Rather than to take another drug for the symptoms why don't we look at the cause and remove it.  Also on a side note as long as we continue to feed our children the SAD diet they will continue to suffer from colds, tonsillar troubles, gastritis, diarrhea, constipation, feverishness, various children's diseases, poliomyelitis, etc.  The subject of food combining is too lengthy to go into here but I highly recommend looking into it if your suffering from any form of gastrointestinal disease.

     When you change from the SAD diet to the ideal diet your body will go through a detoxification phase due to the poisoning of the food that you had been consuming.  During the period of dietary transition and healing this is to be expected but it will pass and you will feel better soon.  Persevere in improving your diet and living practices until all bodily detoxification is complete and your highest potential is a living reality!  You are then the epitome of "Living Health"!  Your body was designed to thrive in vibrant health and be free of all pain and illness.  Your body is continually detoxifying and repairing itself.  All you have to do is allow it to do so by turning to healthful living practices.  Don't rely on drugs of any kind to fix what ails you.  Go to the root cause of your symptoms and start there, don't treat the symptoms.  Remember a return to good health takes time and good health is not immediate.  It took time for you to become unhealthy and overweight and it will take time to reverse the course.  Don't let your life become your disease.  Look at children with their endless supply of energy and who are oblivious to physical discomforts and then look at our older citizens some of which are so crippled with arthritis they can barely move.  At that point in your life you are a full fledged member of the suffering class and every action carried out, every future plan plotted out, every dollar spent, every feeling felt, revolves around your disease.  This is no way of life.  Take the things you have learned and go do your own research and apply them to your life.  I promise you that you will be glad you did.

Yours in health, happiness and freedom,


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