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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Ideal VS the SAD diet Part 2

     We are going to start this part with the dis-service of the dead food disease industrialist food giants and how their products effect our health.  There is three main things they do to our food supply.  First they process our food, meaning they alter it from its original state by overcooking it.  They refine it by breaking down food into various parts, resulting in fragmentation of the whole food into an unbalanced source of nutrition.  And lastly they preserve it by the addition of chemicals (non-nutritive substances) which are poisons.  The problem with food processing boils down to because the food is so far from its normal state of being an ideal food the body can't get enough even when the caloric intake is exceedingly high.  It also breaks down fiber during the heating process.  Case in point.....A fresh ear of corn has 1 mg of natural sodium and 85 calories.  Canned corn has 250 mg of sodium chloride per 1/2 cup as well as added chemicals.  Corn chips have 1000 mg of salt for 4 oz along with many chemicals.  Sugar frosted corn flakes have 250 mg of salt per cup and 155 calories as well as preservatives.  Or in the case of an apple, fresh it has 12 mg of sodium and 100 calories.  It is perfect for weight loss if eaten in its natural state.  Applesauce is low in salt but loaded with sugar at 230 calories a cup.  Apple pie has 250 mg of salt per slice and 345 calories.  An apple danish has 360 mg of salt and 400 calories and an apple cinnamon cream cake has 150 mg of salt and 360 calories a slice.  As you can see there is great benefits to eating foods in their natural state.  This is why you don't have to count calories and worry about your food intake when eating the ideal diet.    Refining is a process where the water and fiber has been removed along with certain vitamins, minerals and all enzymes.  What was once an ideal food is now a fattening, disease promoting, irresistible, modern counterfeit food like product.  These foods are empty calorie foods or naked calorie foods that are cooked into addicting, fattening and toxic products.

     High fiber foods are essential to total health.  Fiber come in two forms:  stiff (cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin) soft (pectins and gums).  Vegetables are rich in the stiff fibers and fruits in the soft fibers.  Fiber is measured according to 2 standards, crude and dietary.  Fiber helps your system clean itself out.  The average American gets less than half of the 25 grams of fiber a day recommended by the National Cancer Institute.  This is wreaking havoc on our health and we have to change this dietary mistake immediately.  Ideal foods as compared to refined foods have 4-5 times the amount of fiber in them and when eaten as a steady diet contain 2-3 oz. or more of fiber daily (60-90 grams).  Because of this the ideal foods pass through your system in 24-36 hours whereas refined foods take 48-96 hours.  They keep you regular and from being constipated and don't cause the many health conditions that refined foods do such as coronary heart disease, gallstones, diverticulitis, appendicitis, hiatus hernia, varicose  veins, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, breast cancer, obesity, constipation (Stated bluntly, anyone who is not having at least 2 bowel movements a day is constipated. Yes, at least 2 (optimally 3) bowel movements a day are vital for optimal health!)diabetes and others.

     Now we are going to talk about the corruption of our food supply through preserving.  Processing and refining of our food supply wreak nutritional havoc and contribute to the vast amount of illness and disease we suffer today.   The food giants can pump chemicals into our food which have no nutritional value and are toxic to us with impunity.  When we buy these foods we are paying for the very stuff that that will trigger these aliments.  These chemicals come in the form of preservatives, buffers, neutralizers, moisture content controls, coloring agents, flavorings, physiologic activity controls, bleaching and maturing agents, stabilizers, processing aids, nutrition supplements and many others.  A word of caution if you can't pronounce it and a 5 year old can't read it DON'T but it!  The easiest way to avoid these toxic food like substances is to not buy food with labels.

    Salt is considered a toxin because it is not the natural occurring salt that is found in food.  Added salt is sodium chloride the substance that is the cause of all the sodium sickness such as high blood pressure and edema and a long list of other illnesses I won't go into at this time.  Salt  acts upon the body in several ways which I will discuss  in detail.  We can refer to salt in terms of water attracting, water holding and water retention.  When salt is added to food and ingested the body reacts by diluting the salt as it sees it as a poison to protect itself from the sodium chloride.  For information sake 1 ounce of ingested salt holds 3 quarts of water or 6 pounds of excess bodily water and fluids.  That means salt holds 70 times its weight in water!  Sodium chloride causes us to lose our potassium which is not healthy.  It is recommended that we consume no more than 280milligrams of naturally occurring salt a day.  The SAD diet contains a whopping 4000 to 6000 mg of sodium chloride (20-30 times more than the body needs), the toxic form, and heavy salt users can consume up to 10,000 mg a day.   Sodium that is natural occurring is needed, sodium chloride the toxin is not, for our bodies to be healthy.

     The last thing I want to cover is the poisoning of our baby food and food hangovers.  Mothers milk is best for babies to consume.   It is recommended that an infant should take primarily mothers milk and fresh fruit juices from birth to age 2.  From the age 2 on the child should eat of the ideal diet.    Due to the mother eating the SAD diet the poisoning begins before birth.  When we feed our babies formula we are feeding them toxic chemical additives, lead, refined sugar (leads to obesity), high sodium content, not enough of the components in the correct balance to ensure healthy, normal development.  Formulas with cow's milk contains too much fat and calcium and not enough tryptophan and lecithine for the child and they have been heated and processed being difficult for babies to digest and contribute to allergies/rashes/colds/nausea and other problems.  The obvious drawbacks are that they are expensive, time consuming, bottles can become contaminated easily and for many moms it's the physical love bonding that only breastfeeding can provide.

     This final topic I want to discuss I have personally experienced anytime I cheat and eat anything from the SAD diet as I have detoxed my body and it is in a clean, healthy state now.  It is the food hangover.  This is what happens when you reintroduce the SAD foods back into your body, you retoxify your body.   Your body can no longer handle these toxins and when you "fall off the wagon" you pay the price just as I have on several occasions and as recently as today from eating vegetables with dairy in them.  Your body goes into revolt as if it had truly been poisoned and it has!  This aftermath can last hours to days depending on how much has been ingested and how clean your system is.  It also will affect the degree to which you experience symptoms.  The symptoms range from nausea, cramps, pain, rumblings in the stomach and intestines, gas, bloating, belching, vomiting and diarrhea, inordinate thirst, as much as 5-10 pounds weight gain virtually overnight, sleeplessness, trembling, chills, fever, weakness, headache, cold symptoms, itching and many more.  The more strong the reaction the healthier you are and have become.  For me I have had the mucus buildup from the dairy and numbing of my mouth from something in the peanut M&M's I ate for Easter.  I have now gotten over those side effects of cheating for Easter and believe me they were not pleasant. As with any toxin/poison we ingest from foods/beverages our body adapts to them the more we partake of them.  We adapt to the continual poisoning in our diet through a process known as disease.  You will experience this until your body is free of the toxins that caused the retoxification.  So the best way to avoid this is to detoxify your body and not retoxify it.

     I hope you have enjoyed this 2 part blog and have learned new useful information.  Just in case you still don't believe in the Ideal Diet I highly recommend watching this video:  My next blog will be on how to reach your ideal weight.  It is going to be interesting and I am going to be putting in to practice the things I learn from this chapter myself.  I am trying to get that last 10 stubborn pounds off.  So be watching for that blog to be posted.  Sign up to get my blogs sent right to your in box so you don't miss anything.

Yours in health, happiness and freedom,


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