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Monday, April 9, 2012

The Ideal VS the SAD diet Part 1

     Diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes
remain leading causes of death and disability in the United States. Research
indicates that diet can play an important role in prevention of such conditions.
Its findings indicate the great importance of diet to health. They demonstrate
that changes in present dietary practices of Americans could produce
substantial gains in the health of the population.  The Surgeon General's Report 
on Nutrition and Health 1998
     The evidence strongly suggests that a dietary pattern that contains 
excessive intake of foods high in calories, fat (especially saturated fat), 
cholesterol, and sodium, but that is low in complex carbohydrates and fiber, 
is one that contributes significantly to the high rates of major chronic diseases
among Americans. It also suggests that reversing such dietary patterns should lead 
to a reduced incidence of these chronic diseases.     The Surgeon General's Report 
on Nutrition and Health 1998 
     The Basic Four Food Groups of The Standard American Diet along with the not 
mentioned 5th food group consisting of pure junk food are the primary toxic source 
of poisoning responsible for the rampant disease among the suffering people in 
America today.  A little history here...the US Dept. of Agriculture created this diet 
in 1956.  This government department was a strong supporter of the cattle-raising along
with milk and egg production and was staffed by top people of these industries. 
So with the fact that so many Americans are so unhealthy why don't we make the 
connection with the SAD diet and disease. 
      The main objections to the SAD diet are the use of low quality food which is 
unnatural and toxic to humans.  The destruction of food's nutritional value through 
the cooking  process and processing and refining.  The use of chemical poisons in the
preparation, preserving, and garnishing of food.  The SAD diet is high in fat 90% of 
which is saturated fats and is mostly of refined carbohydrates and sugar all of which 
is a dangerous cocktail for our health. There is little wonder we are a Nation of sick
and suffering people.  The little known side effects are that the SAD diet encourages 
overeating and eating disorders.  It requires maximal energy to digest, causes the "food 
hangover", contributes to emotional unbalance, drains energy, strength and endurance.  It 
precipitates and/or aggravates acute and chronic disease, ages the body and spirit 
prematurely and makes the pursuit of happiness difficult and promotes suffering and early
     We all know what is on our SAD diet pyramid but we don't know what is on the Ideal 
Diets.  There are still 4 basic food groups but they are much different. First is fresh 
and dried fruits, next is raw, wholesome and nontoxic vegetables, then fully sprouted
grains and legumes and finally raw unroasted nuts and seeds.  This is the food pyramid I
have been eating for over a year now with only 10% of my food coming from an animal (free 
range eggs, free range cattle and chickens, Greek yogurt, probiotics smoothies, fresh fish 
w/o mercury or other toxins).  A few things I wanted to share with you on why the SAD diet 
is less than ideal one of which heated animal fats are linked to cancer and when cooked the 
fats in the bloodstream reduce oxygen up to a third and causes a condition known as the
Rouleaux Effect and has been linked to strokes due to the reduced availability of oxygen 
to the brain.  The fact that animal foods contain approximately 3 times the calories of
carbohydrates and twice the calories of proteins ounce for ounce is pale in comparison to
the abundance of man made poisons they contain.  Animals contain pesticides, herbicides, 
artificial fertilizers, growth producing hormones and a dozen other chemicals that are 
added to their feed and are passed on to those who eat them.  Because they are toxic at 
the cellular level they cause a stimulation to overeat or eat compulsively.  They contain 
no fiber and cancerous cells feed off protein and are characterized by "runaway" protein 
synthesis and rapid cellular division.  This is why the 10% of animal products I allow
myself has to come from a clean, organic, toxic free environment. 
     A note on the dairy industry for information sake.  For most Americans milk is 
indigestible after childhood.  We are the only species that still drinks milk after being
weened.  After the age 3 the body produces little if any rennin and lactase.  These are 
the enzymes that break down casein, a calcium/protein component of milk, and lactose, the
milk sugar.  When milk products are consumed our bacterial flora decomposes it, fermenting
part and putrefying part and toxic waste by products result.  Milk also causes mucosal 
detoxification in the form of respiratory elimination:  common colds, asthma, sinusitis 
and bronchitis.  Another problem is the pasteurizing, heating of the milk, which causes the 
calcium that we are supposed to be drinking molecular structure to be altered making 
it toxic and the casein to become coagulated and toughened making it less available.  The
inorganic and unabsorbed calcium is then deposited in the soft tissues and calcify leading
to a number of diseases.
     So as you can see eating animal product come with many negative effects that can be 
minimized and avoided completely allowing you to become much healthier.  I know that many 
will sternly object to giving up their animal products.  I was one of them.  If you read 
my book I discuss this in detail.  The point I want to make was until I gave it up for the
most part I was not able to rid myself of my diabetes.  Because of my addiction to animal
products I could not be disease free.  This is why I am writing these blogs and going into
such detail trying to impart to you the knowledge I have gained over the last 3 years that
has allowed me to live a disease free life.  I want to briefly touch on breads and cereal.
The average American consumes 3/4 of a pound of toxic chemicals from eating 100 pounds of
bread.  Grains cause blood sugar levels to go up quickly, they are addicting and fattening.
All refined grains are highly starchy, devoid of natural fiber and moisture,must be cooked,
altered and processed before eating and are prepared with toxic chemical additives and they
acidify the body upon digestion and assimilation.  They also cause excessive mucus
formation and like animal products and refined sugar they cause the body to leach alkaline
minerals from the bones and teeth to correct the altered phosphorous calcium balance. 
     The only objection to fruits and vegetables on the SAD diet is that there are too few
many in comparison to the other foods on the diet.  They are greatly altered from their 
ideal state of whole and raw.  The vegetables are loaded with salt and are laced with 
refined sugar and have many chemicals used as preservatives and flavor/color enhancers
whether dried, frozen or canned.  When consuming fruits and vegetables this way they are 
no longer in their natural state and have lost their nutritional value.  On the topic of 
junk beverages which is a vast array of drinks all of which are empty calories and toxic.
If your going to drink something other than fresh, filtered,nontoxic water drink fresh 
100% juice that you juice or buy organically.  I think a good green, black or white tea is 
fine but make sure it is toxin free. I do drink the occasional cup of coffee but I drink
organic decaf.  Synthetic foods are those foods that come with a label.  These foods often
only have 2-3 food items listed and the rest are chemicals.  This is because they are food
like substances, man made concoctions, "plastic" foods and are highly toxic. The Unites 
States Department of Agriculture has declared a Fifth Food Group by giving "Junk Food" a 
formal definition:  "food of minimal nutritional value....A 100 calorie portion contains 
less than 5% of the RDA of any one of the 8 basic nutrients."  By eating junk foods, 
comfort foods, fun foods as they are so called you are eating foods that are high in 
refined sugar, high in fat, high in salt, high in chemicals, high in calories and highly
toxic and NO nutritional value.  These foods from the food giants are highly addicting, 
fattening and toxic.  By consuming these junk foods you are consuming 130 pounds of refined
sugar minimum a year.  Refined sugar is beginning to be classified as a drug due to its 
highly addictive nature.  Refined sugar contributes to diabetes/hypoglycemia. It promotes 
emotional instability, heart disease, weight gain and has no nutritional value. 
     Dr.David Reuben states..."People of America!  The greatest threat to the survival of 
you and your children is what you are going to eat from your dinner plate tonight!"  Don't 
cast your vote with the food giants! Don't support the SAD food industry with your dollars! 
You will be sorry and live a life of disease if you do.  In order to give you a complete 
look at the SAD diet and the effects it has on our health I want to cover this topic
completely so I am breaking it up into two parts so it wont be so long.  We have so much 
more to cover so we can move on to how to reach our ideal weight, the "Victory Kitchen", The
year in live food menus/recipes and holiday menus and to wrap up this course and blog series
I will end it with 1-3 blogs on the medicine men yesterday and today with some interesting 
tidbits on the good old days they didn't teach us in school.  Then when I start my next 
course on the 80/10/10 diet we will go over that in detail which is the diet I primarily 
follow and to wrap it up with my final course "Your Natural Diet:  Alive Raw Foods" which 
after completion I will send off for my certifications and start my counseling practice and
prepare for my next step in my schooling while putting what I have learned to work for all 
those who are seeking a healthy new life free of disease.  So join me for part 2 of the 
Ideal VS the SAD Diet tomorrow and keep coming back for more information and tell your 
friends to join in on the blogs.
Yours in health, happiness and freedom,


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