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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Revelation at dinner last night

     I have to start by saying that I am the only 90% vegan in our home.  My son is about 70% and husband well lets just say he has a long way to go as he is sitting on the 50 yard line.  So with that said I still buy organic grass fed beef and chicken.  The last shopping trip I made to Kroger I found this Chef Bruce Aidells all natural, no MSG, no nitrates, no gluten, no added hormones, no artificial ingredients and minimally processed roasted garlic with Gruyere cheese chicken sausage marked down half price at $3.59 for 14 ounces of sausage.  What a steal!  Now those of you that have read my book or know anything about what I look for in food know I was excited because I could eat this as well.  It fits all of my criteria.  The ingredients are so simple:  chicken, Swiss cheese, roasted garlic with olive oil, salt, Gruyere cheese, milk, parsley, spices, rosemary in a pork casing.  A 4 yr old can read all the ingredients which is key to anything I buy in a package.  I have to say it was amazingly delicious.  My husband cooked the sausage, a chicken kabob for me and a Nolan Ryan steak for himself.  I made us all huge organic salads with nuts, dried cranberries, seeds, croutons, oil and garlic dressing from HEB that is just wonderful and Spanish and Kalamata  olives.  I put some roasted red pepper humus and almond crackers on my plate.  We were ready to eat.  My son wanted a couple of bite of steak and so I decided I would put a couple on my plate.  As we all began to eat I started smiling because I was eating my humus and salad first and they went straight to the meat.  They are not quite there yet.  As I finished up my vegan part of my meal I went on to take a bite of the chicken and sausage which was melt in your mouth amazing.

       Now we are to the point of my blog, my revelation at dinner last night.  I watched as they enjoyed their steak and decided I would take a bite of mine.  I put it in my mouth and with my first chew I wanted to spit it out.  I did not like the taste of it.   I gave my husband the other two bites I had on my plate and tried desperately to get the taste out of my mouth.  It is still there this morning.  I have come a long way on this journey and I can remember when I sat in my friends living room and she said "Cherise just give up meat and you wont have diabetes anymore."  and to that I said "I can never give up my meat!"  Well my friends I have given up my meat and I don't miss it and I am diabetes free!  I am sure the meat was fine.  This isn't the first time I have tried to eat something I used to love and thought I couldn't live without and it tasted horrible to me but everyone else said it tasted just like it always has.  That is the wonderful thing about this new way of life.  When you get your body clean and free of all the junk, toxins, chemicals and additives you have poisoned your body with over a lifetime your body won't let you go back.  It rejects what it sees as a threat to it's now pure state.  I still find it hard to believe I have made these changes and I don't miss any of the things that kept me sick for almost 12 years.

     I challenge you to start once a week and have a meatless day, then two, three, four, five and see the difference it makes in your life.  I promise you it wont kill you :)

Have a blessed day,


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