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Sunday, March 4, 2012

"So honey what is your first blog going to be about?"

Since my first blog entry my husband asked "So honey what is your first blog going to be about?" and I said "I just wrote it!".  So to that question my first official blog is this:

As of 4:30 today I have officially started the enrollment process into school for my certifications of  Certified Natural Health Practitioner & Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner thanks to my best friend and supporter Jacque Hoffman who I can't thank enough for her support personally and financially.

I look forward to starting school in the next week or two and being able to start helping people soon.  I know this is just the tip of the iceberg in my new journey but it is a place to start.  I am so excited with the progress this journey is making in such a short time.  I still can't believe I have arrived at this moment in my life.  I never quite knew what it was I wanted to do when I grew up and what my calling was.  I have heard all my life that God gave each of us our own special talent to use to his glory.  I have been searching for that my whole life.  In looking back it was always writing for me.  Not the writing you were forced to do in school but the creative writing that burned in your soul.  Now I have an opportunity to feed that fire and develop it to the fullest.  I look forward to the challenge of keeping you informed and entertained with this blog.

I hope this has answered my husbands question and gotten the blogging juices flowing so I can post again soon with something new and thought provoking.  Please bare with me as I maneuver these uncharted waters of blogging.  With that said I will bid you a farewell until my next blog.


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