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Thursday, March 8, 2012

What do you want to hear or learn about and other thoughts

I thought I would get some suggestions from everyone so I can get out information you are interested in.  I am going to be learning all kinds of wonderful new information that I will be passing along to you as I complete my certifications.  In the meantime I will strive hard to come up with thought provoking blogs that will make you think.  Making you think is the main goal of my book.  You see we have been conditioned to have people think for us and to not ask questions.  If you don't believe me pick up the book "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto.  He points out how our school system is designed to make us not question and to be told what, when and why to think.  I absolutely love this quote that I used in my book. 
"If the people let government decide
what foods they eat and what medicines they take,
their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state
as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
                                                                      -Thomas Jefferson
This is where we are right now my friends.  You hear it everyday in the mainstream media.  Our schools are trying to classify pizza as a vegetable.  There are countless pharmaceutical ads daily with  new conditions and the magic pill to treat the symptoms of the American people.   Our Standard American Diet isn't fit for anyone who wants to be healthy and now here we are.  Collectively, Americans are the unhealthiest people of all the world and yet we have the best medical care.  This is where I see what Thomas Jefferson so eloquently stated so long ago has come to fruition.   It is high time we stand up, question, think and no longer live under this food tyranny.  Learn about GMO's, Monsanto, HFCS, and the likes.  Know what your putting into your bodies, your children's bodies, grandchildren's bodies.   Get involved in the food revolution and make these big corporations label these cancer causing ingredients.  If they are so proud of these new man made frankenfoods then why do they not want to label them.  

So I leave you with this thought.  Next time you go to buy or eat food think about what it is you are truly eating, where it came from, how it was grown, how it got to your plate and what it is going to do to your body.


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